Redefining space and perception

Exhibition hall Charlottenborg
Sonja Lea

The site-specific installation, Distorted, acts as a new and powerful marker of the transition zone between everyday life and art space. The space has no specific and explicit shape but consists of parallel layers of oversized pixels interweaving through transparency, reflections, and mirroring. As the audience moves towards and through the space, variations of patterns roll along like a film and create vibrant planes and endless space. The audience’s preconceived notions of the space are subverted, and for a moment, one may lose their bearings. The element of surprise is powerful, and the senses are intensified.

Other than the entrance being made visible as an architectural unit and specific zone, it challenges our habitual way of decoding the space. The entrance will appear differently day and night, inside and outside, as well as within and outside the entrance space.

The installation is based on adding new dimensions to the space and challenging its conventional and functional value. This is achieved by distorting perspectives and creating illusions of depth and infinity, thus blurring the boundaries of the fixed space. The composition and workings of the materials, and not least the light, imbue the space with qualities that appeal to the senses and the more subtle layers of our consciousness.

Overall, the installation aims to give form to new conditions for experiencing and perceiving space – to involve the audience actively and to draw attention to the fact that we ourselves are at the center of the experience and the changes happening at this very moment.

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